
Handles both administration and human resource functions within the district.

• Interpretation, coordination, and implementation of both central and district council policies and programs.
• Providing a conducive working environment through technical and logistical support.
• Offering guidance to political and technical officers.

The Administration Department comprises;
* CAO’s Office
* Sub-County Supervision
* Human Resource Section
* Registry
* Procurement and Disposal Unit
* Assets and Facility Management
* Communication and Public Relations
* ICT Office
* Attendants
* Parish Chiefs

Human resource section
Payment of salaries and pension. The department has managed to pay Salaries of 1046 employees and pension of 20 pensioners on monthly basis throughout the financial year
Management of Pension processing. Kazo district is managing a payroll of 20 pensioners as of May 2021; the pension management processing has greatly improved due to decentralization of Pension Payroll Management activities to the district. This has enabled the pensioners to access the payroll easily however there are issues of delayed submission of applications, network challenges and inconsistence of data on the IPPS system.

Furthermore, pension process is at slow speed because of insufficient funds allocated at the district for the payment of retired staff.
Staff Motivation and Team Building. Government, enhanced salaries for the science cadre staff in the district such as health workers, Extension and Production staff and the district has ensured that all employees receive theirs salaries in time.

Salary enhancement and timely payments has improved the performance of staff particularly science cadre and reduce attrition rate of the employees in the district. However, government should ensure universal of increment of salaries to all staff such that there is no marginalization of one section of employees.
Rewards and Sanctions. As the district discipline is a core function in managing self- motivation and other human resource functions, therefore the department has managed to maintain discipline and team building among the employees with aim of achieving the organizational goals. This has been achieved through sanctions of the indiscipline staffs and encouragement of self- motivation.

Capacity building. A number of capacity building initiatives in the district have been put in place for the employees and the political leadership in support to pursue further studies and train them in performance management skills for career development and improvement in service delivery.

Managing Retirement and Leaving Public Service . Several employees have been guided to leave the service in FY 2019/2021 through retirement inform of Medical Grounds, Mandatory, Death, Early Retirement and resignation. This has improved service delivery because it has reduced redundancy of workers. However, the district should ensure that all the employees who leave service in any form of the above should be replaced immediately to close the performance gaps. In regard to the above 14 staff have been retired on mandatory retirement 06 on early retirement.

Recruitment . It is a core function in the district and during FY 2019/2020, 2020/2021 a total of 185 employees have been recruited within the above financial years leading staffing levels increase to 78%. This has instigated motivation and team building activities among staff in the district.

Central Registry. The district has managed to establish a Central Registry which is a Centre for records management in the district and its core function is to preserve and conserve records of enduring value, provide reference services and facilitate exchange of information and networking between district and other institutions organizations. The record Centre within the central registry is a storage point for vital records/documents on Human resource and policies, programs and all projects in the district. lt's also a point for information reception and dispatch within and outside the district Central registry is headed by the Records Officer supported by two Assistant Records officers.
Throughout the financial year the department has achieved the following;
• Managing security of documents by installing new cabinets
• Opening of new files to the new staff
• Procurement of file folders
• Installation of access control tools to the registry